Alphabetical list of the blog’s posts

The posts which are not included at any point will the recent ones which can be found under “recent posts” in the margin of the blog.

Copy and  paste the full title in “search” to come to an article.


A Diary of the Hutton Inquiry

Administrative justice: Gordon Brown misbehaved in the same general way as Jeremy Hunt

Against Ideology

Against Nature

A libertarian party is wrong in principle.

All British banks are “too big to fail”

A low IQ individual in a high IQ society

Anders Breivik and the problem of political trials

Another day another lethal financial derivative

A prayer and a reading for the laissez faire religionists

Armed forces to defend Britain not to serve the New World Order

A sane alternative to globalism

A solution to identifying the origin of immigrants who cannot or will not say who they are

Barry George and the celebrity effect

Be anti-social; live to a ripe old age

Being arrested in England is no small matter anymore

Big Brother plus is knocking on your front door

Blacks: the odd man out?

Blair’s very, very long Journey

Blind obedience to the law is the dictator’s friend

Book review – The Liberal Delusion

The Bruges Group meeting From Here to the Referendum held on 12 February 2013

Bruges Group International Conference 9 11 2013

Can a Libertarian also be a Conservative?

Cast iron proof of Piers Morgan’s criminality distributed widely to the mainstream media

Civitas meeting: Transforming the market: Towards a new political economy

Clare’s law, blackmail, malice and the surveillance state

Cleansing the (Parliamentary) Augean stables

Corporate efficiency: public service versus private enterprise

Could Britain be self-sufficient in food?

Courage is the best defence against charges of racism

Curing media abuse – A statutory right to reply is needed

David Kelly, NuTory Boy, Norman Baker and me

Democracy and Political Ignorance – Why smaller government is smarter

Does Britain Need a Libertarian Party?”

Does an IQ test measure general intelligence?

Does “free trade” deliver greater prosperity? The lessons of economic historyDoes the Welfare State corrupt?

Don’t be bullied by the bankers

Don’t be surprised that the police failed to thoroughly investigate the News of the World

Don’t take the Swiss vote on immigration quotas as a done deal

Do you want this potential terrorist target in the heart of London?

Do we really want to live forever?

Drug Control: Futile and Immoral

Economics and the liberal internationalist mind Book

Effects of Mass Immigration on Canadian Living Standards and Society

England and Britain – what is it to be British?

English National Identity

Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech

Ethnic Conflicts (review)

FIFA and the evils of supra-national organisations

Film reviews – Capitalism: a love story

Film reviews – Inside Job

Foreign Aid – A Danegeld extracted by the Liberal Internationalists

Free expression or permitted opinion: that is the choice

“Free markets” and “free trade” as a religion “

Free markets and “free trade” = elite propaganda”

“Free markets”, “free trade” and the emasculation of democratic control

Gay Marriage, political correctness and Newspeak

George Orwell, left politics, modern liberals and the BBC

Gordon Brown’s involvement in the sale of the land to UKCRMI

Handy-lie-on (and on) and Murdoch

Has “free trade” ever been practised?

Have Liam Fox and Adam Werritty committed crimes?

Here’s a funny joke about stoning

High status/high IQ jobs

Homo Sapiens – How primitive is primitive?

Housing and the Coalition’s dirty secret

Housing: to the haves shall be given….

How British higher education became corrupted

How much public money is being stolen and wasted because of the privatisation of public services?

How reason may be ignored and ideologies embraced or discarded

How the IQ level of a society rises

How Britain supposedly got richer and its people became unhappier

How the BBC surreptitiously censors callers to phone-ins

How corruption entered public service

How do we decide what should be provided by the state?

How do we explain liberal internationalism as a biological phenomenon?

How elites feed conspiracy theories

How governments created the present welfare mess

How Obama brought the politics of race and ethnicity to the White House

How the rich and powerful get away with murder: a look behind the elite veil

How the BBC censors evidence of press misbehaviour

How the BBC fixes the political bias of Any Questions

How the Kosovan war developed the Blair Doctrine

How to tackle the politically correct

How should we decide what public servants are paid?

How the market fails to provide what the customer wants

How well-to-do liberals choose to live – A lesson from Primrose Hill

If the Euro does not survive what would be the aftermath?

If you really want parental choice you need a school voucher system but….

If we leave the EU we mustn’t be another Norway

If weather persists it becomes the climate

Intelligent Design is creationism in pseudo-scientific disguise

Inflation is theft on the grandest of scales

Inventing trouble

IQ and a dysgenic Western future

IQ and life in more complex societies

IQ and national wealth

IQ and society

IQ and the position of ethnic minorities

Is a libertarian party a contradiction in terms?

Is IQ innate?

Islam knows no compromise

Islam is simply incompatible with liberal democracy

Is MigrationWatch UK a security service front organisation?

Is society materially enriched by “free markets” and “free trade?

Is the English Defence League (EDL) the real deal?

Is there a deliberate attempt to sabotage the trial of Rebekah Brooks and co?

It isn’t a crisis of capitalism but a crisis of globalism

Japan and The Big Society

Jimmy Savile, George Entwistle and the balance of probabilities

Killing no murder – the right of the individual to defend their home

Laissez faire economics makes you richer – Oh yeah?

Laws are for “little people” – the Mandelson mortgage fraud cover-up

Let’s be honest ….everyone’s on welfare

Labour re-writes the past – their economic management

The Leveson Inquiry: a shameless attempt to censor my evidence

Leveson Inquiry – Data Protection Act request for information

Leveson Inquiry – Harriet Harman has her deniability removed

Leveson Inquiry – Jeff Edwards and another prima facie case of perjury

Leveson Inquiry – Leveson makes me (and possibly others) a non-person

Leveson Inquiry – Lord Leveson prepares the way for the cancellation of part 2

Leveson Inquiry – My Subject Access request: the Inquiry withhold dataMaking servants of our masters

Leveson Inquiry – Politicians and the Press

Leveson Inquiry: Robert Henderson’s application for core participant status

The Leveson Inquiry – Robert Henderson’s evidence still being considered

Leveson Inquiry: sabotaging deniability

Leveson Inquiry – the killer question Robert Jay QC is not asking

The Leveson Inquiry and the suppression of evidence

Leveson Inquiry – the response to Robert Henderson’s application to be a Core Participant

The Leveson Inquiry: the Blairs, the Mirror, the police and me

Leveson Inquiry – Wanted- people who have had their evidence ignored

Referral of Piers Morgan’s perjury to the Leveson Inquiry

Piers Morgan lied to the Leveson Inquiry

LibDems make a mockery of elections

Liberals in a multicultural denialfest

Libertarianism, immigration, race, cultural roots and collective identity

London Zoo and the global warming religion

Low and high IQ behaviour

Mandela – The long walk to a myth

Man-made global warming is the 21st century phlogiston

Margaret Thatcher: the most useful of idiots

Margaret Thatcher and the cult of personality

Market economies and the illusion of choice

Means subverting ends – The fatal flaw at the heart of libertarianism

Meditation without metaphysics

Men and machines: which is master which is slave?

Men, morality and international order

Metropolitan Police refuse to say how much is spent on “equality and diversity”

Moral Simpletons Target Innocent Man

Most people cannot make provision for the future

Muhammad Ali and the white liberals

Nailing the “We’re all in this together” lie

Nations and Empires

National Identity Theft

New British Fascism – book review

New Labour, new fascism? – Tony Blair and the Führer principle

No 10 Downing Street e-petitions dealing with Immigration, the EU and the ECHR

No 10 ‘interfered to push through £600m plan for virus superlab’

No Second Amendment = a disarmed people

Not as white as they are painted

Obama, US citizenship and the Presidency

Oh my aching sides …Stop it MI6

One nation Labour: work, family and place – a taste of Labour’s next election propaganda

Operation Elveden become nonsensical over Piers Morgan’s illegal receipt of information from the Met

Operation Elveden: I make contact with the Met’s Directorate of Professional Standards

Operation Elveden dragging their feet over Piers Morgan

Operation Elveden and Piers Morgan et al – I try to bring Norman Baker MP into the picture

Operation Elveden, Piers Morgan et al: the DPP advised of Elveden’s refusal to investigate

Operation Eleveden and Piers Morgan’s criminality – the Home Secretary brought into play

Operation Elveden, Piers Morgan, et al – The Metropolitan Police are struck dumb

Operation Elveden and Piers Morgan – The Metropolitan Police Commissioner brought into play

Operation Elveden’s failure to investigate Pier Morgan et al referred to the Attorney-General

Operation Elveden, Piers Morgan and the Crown Prosecution Service

Operation Elveden refuses to investigate Piers Morgan despite the clearest evidence of his criminality

Operation Elveden to review my Piers Morgan, Jeff Edwards and Jeff Curtis complaints

Operation Eleveden, Tom Harper, The Independent and the censoring of elite criminality

Operation Elveden update – Stony silence to date from Met Police’s Department of Professional Standards

Opt out of opting in or out

Osama bin Laden: more dangerous dead than alive?

Osama bin Laden – who did the Navy Seals kidnap?

Out of Africa? – Races are more different than previously thought

Parliamentary pay, expenses and conditions: a remedy for corruption

Patriotism is not an optional extra

Piers Morgan and Operation Elveden – an approach to the new DPP

Piers Morgan’s illegal receipt of information from the police, his perjury and Operation Elveden part III

Piers Morgan’s criminality: The Met Police’s Directorate of Professional Standards prodded into action

Piers Morgan’s illegal receipt of information from the police, his perjury and Operation Elveden

Piers Morgan’s illegal receipt of information from the police, his perjury and Operation Elveden part II

Piers Morgan, perjury, the police, the Leveson Inquiry and Denis MacShane

Poems of Existence

Poems of Politics

Politically incorrect film reviews – 12 Years a slave

Politically incorrect film reviews – A Lincoln convertible

Politically incorrect film reviews – Coriolanus

Politically incorrect film reviews – Django Unchained

Politically incorrect film reviews – Gran Torino

Politically incorrect film reviews – God Bless America

Politically incorrect film reviews – Harry Brown is very white

Politically incorrect film reviews – Ire in Babylon

Politically incorrect film reviews – Machete

Politically incorrect film reviews – Made in Dagenham

Politically incorrect film reviews – Mandela: the long walk to freedom

Politically incorrect film reviews – Precious little to celebrate

Politically incorrect film reviews – The Millennium Trilogy

Politically incorrect film reviews – There is none so blind that can PeeCee.

Politically incorrect film reviews – The Sweeney

Politically incorrect film reviews – Four Lions

Politically incorrect film reviews – Tinker, Tailor, Soldier … Spy

Population – the elephant in the global warming green room

*PPP and PFI = Buy now, pay later

Political speech and action in Britain: What is legally permitted ?

Press regulation and the British constitution

Public and private confusion (and, yes, there is an alternative)

Public provision and a civilised society go together

Public ownership = public confidence

Public service and private enterprise : what do we mean by efficiency?

Racial differences in IQ

Race – the most potent of human behavioural triggers

Reason is not the primary driver of Man

Replacing the BBC licence fee

Relative poverty, wealth and power

Richard North: useful idiot or Europhile wolf in Eurosceptic’s clothing?

Robotics and the real (sorry, Karl, you got it wrong) final crisis of capitalism

Royal Mail and ideology

Royal Mail privatisation – an act of ideology not of necessity or prudence

Selling Britain by the pound: the immorality of privatisation

Secret services: a conspiracy against the public

“…since records began in 1659″

Societies and the implications of differing racial IQs

Sorting out the mess after the Euro collapses

So you think private healthcare would beat the NHS…

Spaced Out – What is the point of Homo Sapiens in space?

Speciation by culture

Speciation by culture – an analogy with computers

Stephen Lawrence, Gary Dobson, David Norris and a political trial

Strangling Freedom

Taking Liberties  (Film Review)

Technology out of control

Terrorists or traitors?

That NuLabour “mistake” over mass immigration wasn’t a mistake non-shock

The age of stupid (film review)

The abolition of the GCSE and the return of O Levels

The bigger the genome, the less efficient?

The Blair daughter’s attempted suicide and the public’s right to know

The BBC, Newsnight and Lord McAlpine: where were the libel lawyers?

The British Green Party expose their totalitarian mentality

The character of Tony Blair

The character of Barack Obama in his own words

The claustrophobia of diversity

The complete “The wages of Scottish Independence”

The complete Joy of Diversity columns

The consequences of an end to mass immigration

The corrective medicine for media abuse is a statutory right to reply

The credit crunch: an effect not a cause

The cuts which are beyond the Pale for Britain’s political elite

The end of the offence of “insulting behaviour”? Don’t you believe it

The English origins and value of the USA’s Second Amendment

The EU IN/OUT referendum: strategy and tactics for those who want to leave the EU

The EU: Making the going good for getting Out

The Government’s EU referendum lock: giving the key to parliament and voters?

The ever increasing madness of political correctness

The failure to charge Piers Morgan with illicitly receiving information from the police

The Financial Times goes after The Daily Mirror

The “Free markets” con

The GeePees: a cautionary tale

The globalist lies about the British Labour market

The Great Charity Scam

The High IQ individual in a low IQ society

The immorality of Utilitarianism

The increasing IQ demands of modern society

The intelligence of erudition

The law, the media and the release of information to the police

The Letwin Plan – Freedom of the Press in a post-Leveson UK

The liberal bigot

The liberal war mongers satisfy their urges

The logical end of a free market is monopoly

The more primitive the society the less it relies on high IQ related skills

The Marxist Ralph Miliband and how he bit the English hand that fed him

The most dangerous people in the world

The nation state

The nation state: the only platform for democratic control

The nation state – the only way to democratic control

The new aristocracy

The new leader of the Greens knows how to keep mum

The non-economic costs of mass immigration to the UK

The Old Buffoonian treads on dangerous ground

The overheated climate debate

The 2012 Olympics and the deep sporting culture of Britain

The Olympics and the left – It’s the political correctness, stupid…

The Oslo massacre and the treason of the liberals

The PCC’s refusal in 2003 to investigate Rebekah Wade for paying police bribes

The people of England

The police are effectively colluding in violenceThe position of minorities

The present state of global economies

The principles of taxation – a guide for politicians

The racial and ethnic make-up of the 2011 rioters

The racial and ethnic make-up of the August 2011 UK rioters by group

The railways – a classic public service

The refusal of the police to investigate Rebekah Wade

The rich have never had it so good

The road to NHS privatisation

The significance of borders –why Representative Government and the Rule of Law Require Nation States

The surveillance state – The practical problems and implications of biometric identities

The “Taxing the rich produces little money” lie

The Wealth and Poverty of Nations – David Landes Universal distraction

The Universal Terrorist God

The US and Ethnic voting – Why white America (and the rest of the West) has to play the ethnic card to survive

The utilitarian case for the monarchy

The value of anecdotal evidence

The vicious poison in the British economy is the outlandish cost of housing

The wages of globalism

The welfare state is a good deal

The white working-class and the British elite – From the salt of the earth to the scum of the earth

The Autumn issue of the Quarterly Review is out

The Spring Edition of the Quarterly Review is out

The Winter 2011 issue of the Quarterly Review is now available.

The Quarterly Review Vol 4 No 4 (Winter 2010) is out

The world after the Euro

The “wrong” sort of indoctrination (for the left)

The 9/11 attacks – The view from 11 Sept 2002 and 2011

The 2011 British riots and the white liberal’s great lie

Too big to bail-out? Spain and the future of the Eurozone

Too many people – the world’s worst enemy

Tuition fees and Coalition lies

Wages and welfare benefits are not comparable

Waking up to the threat of the Second World

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Knowledge is Ignorance…. Treason is Patriotism…

Watch out : the Coalition is laying the ground for a national identity system

What a true assessment of the economic costs of mass immigration would include

What a tremendously thoughtful fellow Dr David Kelly must have been

What do we mean by “Free trade”?

What is Libertarianism?

What is the rational position on religion?

What is measured by IQ tests

What the British people want from their politicians… and what they get

What shall we do about the old?

What should be provided directly by the state?

What should be provided indirectly by the state?

What should be public and what should be private?

What is treason today?

What makes a nation?

What the nation state owes you and what you owe the nation state

What to do if you become involved with the criminal law

When Tony and Cherie Blair tried to have me jailed

White attacker/non-white victim = racist motive: non-white attacker/white victim = no racist motive

Whites in the sub-continent and sub-continental Asians in the UK

White men can run

Who should be allowed to strike?

Why all the banks should be nationalised

Why did Piers Morgan lose his CNN programme?

Why have the bankers escaped punishment?

Why did auditors fail to blow the whistle on the banks?

Why have East Asians not dominated?

Why have whites dominated?

Why Jeremy Hunt’s claim of no bias is a nonsense

Why is this blog entitled Living In A Madhouse?

Why public service broadcasting (PSB) matters

Why Western elites are so keen on “free markets” and “free trade”

Why liberals are terrified by Anders Breivik

Why the nature of bin Laden’s death matters

Why should the haves pay for the have-nots?

Would a libertarian society deprive individuals of cultural roots and collective identity?

You looking at me?

You must be mad if you don’t believe in the liberal globalist credo

16-Year-old delivers address to Labour Conference

1984 and the internationalist warmongers


  • computer running slow  On February 2, 2011 at 10:31 pm

    I absolutely adore your style with regards to Alphabetical list of the blog’s posts Living In A Madhouse

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